Publication design involves in depth communication; we will integrate photography, branding, voice, and design to make sure your story is visible and impactful.


Product Catalogue

Madda Studio, Oaxaca, Mexico

This product catalogue was created to showcase the luxury rugs, pillows and throws that are custom designed, hand-dyed, and handwoven by Madda Studio in Oaxaca, Mexico.

This is the cover to the product catalogue, which was created to showcase the luxury rugs, pillows and throws that are custom designed, hand-dyed, and handwoven by Madda Studio in Oaxaca, Mexico.
This profile page was featured in Madda Studio’s product Catalogue which was designed by Stephanie Wencl of SW Designs


Artisan Report

AOW Handmade, Paris France. (Various Editions 2016-2018)

These artisan reports were a collaborative effort and documented products, makers, trade-shows, events, and traditions in the global artisan sector. We often included infographics, graphs and curated artisan photos to promote AOW HANDMADE, which connects global buyers and artisans.



Book Design

Boulder, CO

These books were designed for custom personal projects to share traditional artistry, culture, community and food.

These books were designed for custom personal projects to share traditional artistry, culture, community and food.


Pitch Deck

Wood’s Distillery, Salida, CO

Wood’s Distillery pitch deck showcased the Salida based distillery’s spirits, values, and company goals. Photographs and content were provided. Icons, Infographs and layout design was included in the project.

This presentation was designed for Wood’s Distillery. The pages showcased he company’s whiskey products, values and annual goals.